Thursday, 19 January 2012

The sea defence diaries 19/01/12 - goodbye to the Kings Steps

Today at 11:15 am the demolition of the King's Steps began, heralding the end of an era for those of us who remember the Jet Spray, diving off the king steps and fishing for flounders and eels. I expect the remains of the Kings Steps will become infill for the revetment.
Elsewhere the work by the clock tower known as the south wall is gathering pace as seen in the photograph. Behind the Harbour wall piling has been driven in, starting from the Droit House end and this afternoon they will be driving in piling behind the old sluice.

As for today's finds, the shard count has dropped dramatically due to tidal changes. I did find part of a jaw bone of a sheep and a unusual copper boat fastening, plus a few other bits of cooper boat nails and roves.
Due to neap tides, the tide will not be going out as far so I am going to leave it for a week to allow more of the silt in the harbour to loosen up.

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