Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Rowe Bequest

In 1926 a Doctor Arthur Rowe bequeathed to the Borough of Margate his collection of literature, artwork and archaeological remains . Excluding the archaeological objects the collection is as follows.

Books, pamphlets & excerpts          536
Portfolios                                           11
Prints and illustrations                       569
Manuscripts                                       72
Maps                                                 40
Posters, programmes, guides etc.,     534
Book of views                                    40
Photographs                                     154
Plans                                                  36
Original works of art                           66
Bound Acts of Parliament                    16
Music                                                    1

Total                                               2075

All these items became assets of either the Kent County Council and Thanet District Council on 1st April 1974. I am not sure of the distribution of the archaeological remains but most of the collection which is a library collection went to Kent County Council. Thanet District council did receive a number of items and I do possess a list of 77 items.


Anonymous said...

Something is now quite right?

Margaret Symonds said...

You might be interested to hear that there is a talk at the Trust for Thanet Archaeology's 25th Anniversary conference at 2 pm on Sat. 27 April about the Rowe Bequest, given by a member of the Isle of Thanet Archaeological Society (IOTAS), Bob Pantony.
This is part of a one-day conference to celebrate the anniversary, and there will also be a Keynote Lecture at 7 pm on Tues. 23 April by the Trust's Deputy Director, Ges Moody.
IOTAS is also celebrating the same anniversary, as we were the TAU (Thanet Archaeological Unit), and became IOTAS at the same time as the Trust was formed. We have a lecture by Dr. Ray Laurence on 'Pompeii- seen from the streets', on Monday 25 March, 7.45 pm at the Crampton Tower Hall.

A J Ovenden said...

Thanks for that Margaret.